Author Archives for Mikyron Padayachee

An Alternative way influencers are working with big brands

September 7, 2020 9:50 am Published by

We were inspired to write this article because we noticed that a new influencer to the platform last month ended up earning an income from Hewlett Packard, McCann Erickson, and the BBC. Although never booked on a formal influencer campaign, it was their incredible images that kicked off their earnings.

Today, influencers are a hot commodity. Brands, big and small, are working with influencers to improve brand awareness, increase traffic, and drive the brand’s message to their target audience. Webfluential has helped influencers from all over the world monetize their influence by connecting them with brands. In the past, most collaborations on Webfluential were through a pay per post or pay per click campaign, however, there is now a new way that influencers on Webfluential are monetizing their content and working with great brands. 

Embed from Getty Images

Last year Webfluential announced a partnership with Getty Images. 

Getty Images is the world’s largest photo agency. They are a supplier of stock images, editorial photography, video, and music for business and consumers. It targets three markets—creative professionals (advertising and graphic design), the media (print and online publishing), and corporate (in-house design, marketing, and communication departments).

Webfluential wants to help our influencers by giving them an opportunity to market and monetize themselves through Getty Images. This collaboration allows influencers to fast track their way to becoming a Getty Images contributor and start earning passive income through the sale of their content. 

Over the last few months, influencers had the opportunity to submit images for 3 different briefs. The themes of the briefs where: Work-life in Africa, human touch, and self-isolation. Hundreds of images were submitted. Once approved these images were then put up for sale on Getty Images. 

Some of the images were bought by amazing brands like Hewlett Packard, McCann Erickson, and The BBC. Many influencers who submitted images have been earning a passive income almost every month. 

A new brief will be available soon so keep an eye out on your Webfluential dashboard for more details. 

Here are our top picks of images submitted so far.

Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images Embed from Getty Images

The perks of switching to an Instagram Creator account

April 21, 2020 5:57 pm Published by

Instagram has introduced a new type of account that caters to influencers, the Instagram Creator account. The Instagram Creator account will help influencers better understand the performance of their content and the tendencies of their audience. Having an Instagram Creator account linked to your Webfluential profile will help you tremendously. In this blog post the benefits of linking an Instagram Creator account will be explained. 

Instagram Creator account: Insights and tools for creators

The Creator account will give influencers daily and weekly insights for their feed, stories, and IGTV. 

Before the Instagram Creator account was introduced many influencers used the Instagram Business account. While the Instagram Business account has advanced insights compared to a personal account, the account features were not tailored to influencers' needs. The Creator account is tailored to influencers and provides the tools and insights that are relevant to influencers. 

Much like the Instagram Business account the Creator account will provide users with advanced insights that are not available to ‘personal account’ users. These insights include data around followers and unfollowers; audience geographic and demographic information; reach and impressions on posts. 

Some of the tools available to Creator account users are the ability to add your contact details to your account, better management of your inbox and support for adding shoppable tags to your posts that link to another account’s store. 

Creator account benefits on Webfluential

Once they have linked their Instagram Creator account to Webfluential, influencers will be able to provide marketers on Webfluential with rich data about their content. This will allow marketers to make better-informed decisions when booking an influencer.  

Influencers with a linked Creator account will be awarded a higher Webfluential rating. An influencer’s Webfluential rating will dictate how close to the top they surface in the search results to marketers and brands. A higher rating will, therefore, mean a higher chance of being found and booked by a brand. Find out more about Webfluential ratings here. 

Only Influencers with a linked Instagram Creator account will be considered for Webfluential accreditation. Being Webfluential accredited comes with many benefits, which include early access to briefs from Getty Images, priority access to top tier brands and much more. Find out more about accreditation here. 

How to link an Instagram Creator account to Webfluential

The first step to linking your Instagram Creator account to Webfluential is to ensure that you have switched from a personal Instagram account to a Creator account. You will then need to link your Facebook page to your Instagram creator account. Check out a tutorial on how to do this here. 

Next, you will need to log into Webfluential and link your Instagram account. Once logged in you will see a message on your dashboard that prompts you to convert your account. Click on ‘convert @....’ to start the process.

Follow the steps to link your account.

Your Instagram Creator account is now linked to Webfluential. You will be able to view your insights from your Webfluential account. 

Contact [email protected] with any questions about converting to an Instagram Creator account. 

Log in here to get started

Improve your Webfluential rating – Link and update your media channels!

November 27, 2019 3:22 pm Published by

One of the most common questions from our network of creators is how to win more work. The simple answer: Make sure your channels are up to date on Webfluential and you’ll get booked by brands. 

Without keeping this up to date, brands and marketers might potentially overlook you for collaborations and campaigns that could have been perfectly suitable for your brand, resulting in a missed opportunity.

As your audience and content evolve, so does your platform and digital presence. Always make sure your channels are linked properly and update your channels frequently to avoid missing that opportunity you’ve been waiting for. 

By regularly updating your channels you will automatically receive a better search ranking. Try link as many channels as you can, and showcase your best work as this will improve your chances of getting more (and better) bookings. 

So how do I link my channels?

  1. Sign in to Webfluential here
  2. Go to your dashboard
  3. Navigate to “Channels”
  4. Link channels by clicking on the relevant icon
  5. Follow the on-screen prompts

How do I update a channel?

  1. Sign in to Webfluential here
  2. Go to Dashboard
  3. Navigate to “Channels”
  4. Click on the three dots next to the channel
  5. Click on “Manage Accounts”
  6. Click on “Reset token”
  7. GREAT! Your accounts are now updated!

Good to know:

  1. If your channels are changed/disabled your platform wonʼt show up on your media kit
  2. The channel will not be able to show data on reports or be linked to campaigns

What are you waiting for?

Make sure your channels are linked and up to date here.