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TIME’s Most Influential People on the Internet

July 3, 2018 2:05 pm Published by

Every year for the past four years TIME has produced a list of the most influential people on the internet. The reason we are so encouraged by their lists is that they don’t simply include people with the highest followings. For the longest time, Webfluential have preached that high following does not always equal influence. Influence is a much more meaningful metric. Influence is the thing that causes action. These are our top picks from a digital point of view.

You can see the full TIME’s list here.

Logan and Jake Paul

Internet personalities Logan and Jake Paul

Easily the most controversial of YouTube stars, this fraternal duo have lost ad sponsors and been given a bad rap on the knuckles by YouTube for posting a disturbing video in the infamous Japanese “suicide forest” allegedly including a body. Never the less, both Paul and Jake sustain eternally loyal fans. Their accumulated net worth is around $24 million according to Forbes and with apparel lines and record deals on the table, they show no signs of slowing down.

Naomi Watanabe

Japanese actress, comedian, and fashion designer Naomi Watanabe
Japanese actress, comedian, and fashion designer Naomi Watanabe
Watanbe has over 8 million followers on Instagram, and is Japan’s most famous Instastar. Her comedic persona mixed with her over the top fashion sense and her image-positive rhetoric has established her in as a role model not only in Japan but also, globally. With fashion endorsement deals from the likes of Gap and others, as well as her own fashion line Punyus she is one to watch and learn from.

Sia Cooper (a.k.a. @DiaryOfAFitMommyOfficial)

Cooper is one of those Instagrammers who unknowingly hacked the Instagram Algo change in January this year. Her habit of consistently commenting on some of Instagram’s top accounts is the cause. When the algorithm change came into effect, her comments showed up as one of two “sticky” comments on accounts like Kim K and Chrissy Teigan. She told Vogue that she gained 80,000 new followers after the algorithm’s change. She is now one of the most recognised Instagram accounts on the platform.

Kayla Itsines

Personal Trainer Kayla Itsines
Personal Trainer Kayla Itsines

Easily the most influential fitness and health influencer, Kayla shook up the lives of thousands of people with her Bikini Body Guide ebook. Her app, Sweat, is the highest-grossing app in Apple’s fitness and health category, bringing in $77 million this year alone. No doubt one of the most effective marketing strategies Kayla used was activating user-generated content by asking her customers to post before and after posts of their transformations which they did and continue to do in multitudes. Just check out the hashtag #bbg for proof.


Lil Miquela

Lil Miquela
Lil Miquela

Basically, Virtual Influencers are a thing. But not just a thing, a huge thing. Lil Miquela is simply the most influential of a slurry of avatars. Her effortless style, vulnerable captions, and blatant self-awareness create an endearing personality who has caught the attention brands like Prada. We are fans.

For the full list of TIMEs most influencer people you can visit the original post here.



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Webfluential now represented on six continents with 35-strong Partner Network

May 21, 2018 1:45 pm Published by

As influencer marketing continues to become a staple part of any brand’s digital media mix, we’re proud to welcome two new businesses to our Partner network in South Africa and Slovenia.

Nfinity Media in South Africa has acquired the rights to the Webfluential license in South Africa. The company will run the Webfluential business in the country and use its expertise to build the brand further. Nfinity will not just offer influencer marketing strategies and campaigns to the market, but also support growth in the influencer community, drive industry awareness and overall education about this emergent media channel. There remain a number of existing Partner agencies in South Africa that will continue to evangelise influencer marketing for their brands.

“Influencer marketing is on the rise, with more brands realising that recommendations from people are becoming more powerful than direct advertising,” says Ken Varejes, founder and CEO of Nfinity Media.

Webfluential is launching in Slovenia by the able team of AVI SPLET d.o.o. Tjaša Bogeljić, head of communications, says “V Sloveniji se veliko podjetij in agencij poslužuje influencer marketinga na napačen način – za doseg svojih ciljnih skupin izbirajo influencerje predvsem na podlagi števila sledilcev in nimajo vpogleda v tiste elemente, ki so za postavitev uspešne strategije ključnega pomena. Podjetja manualno upravljajo oglaševalske aktivnosti z influencerji kar terja veliko časa pa tudi denarja. Zato smo se odločili našemu tržišču ponuditi Webfluential, orodje, ki omogoča podjetjem izvajanje kampanj z influencerji na hiter, enostaven in predvsem učinkovit način ter jim nudi natančen vpogled v povračilo njihove naložbe.

In Slovenia, many marketers choose influencers primarily on the basis of the number of their followers and do not have the insights into the key elements for setting up a successful strategy to reach the right target groups. Marketers manually manage campaigns and that cost them a lot of time and money as well. That’s why we decided to offer Webfluential in our market, a platform that enables companies to manage campaigns with influencers in a quick, easy and above all efficient way that ensures much better returns.

Webfluential is a software platform that offers brands a self-serve product for smaller campaigns and an enterprise product typically run by agencies. Accredited agencies offer highly effective campaign strategy, influencer selection, execution and reporting to their brands.


Webfluential currently has 35 Partners operating on six continents. Many global clients also utilise Webfluential to run their influencer marketing programmes. As part of an aggressive global roll-out strategy, the company is offering a select number of licenses in countries of Europe, Australia, Latin America and the US. A single franchise license for select countries is also available.

Interested parties can contact our partner team on [email protected] or find out more on the website.

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Influencer Marketing Academy. Get certified!

February 6, 2018 1:43 pm Published by

Education and self-empowerment are vital to personal and professional growth.
Influencer Marketing is a new and thriving industry where the need for skilled marketers is growing. Did you know that demand for Influencer Marketing specialists has increased by more than 200% since 2016?

That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of our new Webfluential Academy, an online learning portal designed to assist you in formal qualifications, taking advantage of this phenomenal industry growth.


Influencer Marketing Academy


The Academy shares lessons and insights Webfluential has gained over the past few years in the form of online short-courses designed for both Influencers and Marketers alike. It’s designed to add some value to your marketing efforts, so take a look and register yourself or any of your teams working in the Influencer Marketing space.

Influencer Marketing Academy

We believe that knowledge should be shared and that marketers should act with confidence when creating Influencer Marketing strategies, implementing programmes, or reporting on key metrics.

The Webfluential Academy can be found online at where you will see our free introductory course called “An introduction to Influencer Marketing.” This course is aimed at campaign strategists and programme managers. Much like Google courses, we offer certification which can be used to develop your experience and CV.


Course Overview: Introduction to Influencer Marketing

This course aims to provide a foundation for marketers to understand and get experience in the following:

  • The basic principles of Influencer Marketing
  • Understanding the measurement and KPIs of Influencer Marketing
  • The practical side of creating effective strategies and their implementation
  • Various use cases for high performance Influencer Marketing
  • Examples of programmes that other brands have executed successfully

The course consists of 27 lessons, 4 quizzes, and if you’re up to it, an exam to get certification that you can then feature on your LinkedIn profile and CV.


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