Author Archives for Kirsty Sharman

A foolproof guide to landing more gigs as an influencer

March 13, 2016 11:13 am Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. You work hard at building a following. Right? The biggest thrill is watching how people engage with it. How people tune in daily to read, like, share, watch and comment on the content you created. But wouldn’t it be great if you could turn this passion into a business? Once you know how to market to your audience (your readers and followers) and understand the value of your influence, it’s only a matter of time before brands start to notice. But the tricky thing as an influencer is finding the balance between running sponsored content and keeping your fan base happy. That’s why working with the right brands is essential, that’s why at Webfluential we give our influencers the opportunity to accept or reject jobs based on the brief. But what if you don’t want to wait for the job offers to come to your Webfluential inbox? What if you want to be pro-active and pitch your influence to brands? If you’re that kind of Blogger, YouTuber, Instagrammer, Tweeter or Facebooker then you’re in the right place! The Webfluential team have put together a foolproof guide to landing more gigs as an influencer. Remember this: nobody is better suited at marketing your online influence than you. This is your personal brand, your followers and your community. You know what makes them tick and you know what brands they are most likely to care about. This guide is about helping you get in front of those brands, the ones you and your audience want to work with. If you follow the process below, and genuinely believe in your content - there is no doubt that turning your passion into a business could become a reality for you. There are four steps below. All are equally important. Good luck!

STEP 1: Find the right person to pitch to (not just anyone who works in marketing)

Picture1 Blindly sending an email to the first address you find on your favourite brand’s Contact Us page, isn’t going to land you any jobs. It’s going to make sure your email goes directly to the trash folder, along with all the other unknown emails the brand receives daily. You need to reach the people who have the power to sign-off on your campaign idea, or at least get it in front of the right people. But how do I find the contact details I need? Use tools like Viola Norbert and social networks like LinkedIn to not only find any email addresses, but the email addresses of the right members of the marketing team for the brand you have in mind. Check their Twitter profiles to see if they share any content related to the brands you’re trying to pitch to - marketers often share content from their own campaigns. If you get lucky, they might even have a personal website or a blog that has a contact page. Once you have two names and two email addresses of members of the marketing team, move on to the PR department. This will give you four points of contact that you must use over the next few weeks. But wait! Don’t fire off your emails to every address you’ve found right away. Hang onto them, because here’s where your strategy kicks in.

STEP 2: Use Twitter as an ice-breaker

Twitter Webfluential People are more likely to respond to an email from someone they have an association to, someone they ‘know’. The beauty of the internet is that it gives us the opportunity to ‘get to know’ the right people without really meeting them. Twitter is the perfect medium to have a casual conversation with the marketer you want to pitch your idea to. Follow them on Twitter, and engage with one of their tweets. A couple of days after that, you’re going to email them your campaign idea. No need to be overly aggressive, a few tweets where you add genuine value to a conversation will do. No one likes a stalker. Two responses that add value in one week will make you stick in the recipient's mind for all the right reasons. By overdoing the tweets or if you don’t add something to the conversation with your reply, you’re going to be remembered for all the wrong reasons. The Twitter interaction simply introduces you to the marketer, so that the real introduction has already been made before you propose your campaign idea via email - it’s like making eye contact before you buy her a drink. Don’t be despondent if this process takes a week or two. Good things come to those who wait!

STEP 3: Polish your pitch, and make sure you have a CREDIBLE media kit

Picture3 If you have a great idea and campaign strategy, it’s just a matter of landing it in the right inbox. Sometimes it takes a few tries but if you have the right balance of creative and persistence you might just strike it lucky! Getting the email right is important though. Here’s what your email shouldn’t look like: Picture4 That doesn’t sound like the beginning of a mutually beneficial working relationship, does it? That sounds like an influencer pitching to a marketer that isn’t 100% credible. It makes it easy for the marketer to just hit ‘delete’. What your introductory email should do is show what you, as a credible influencer, are capable of producing for the brand you’re pitching to. Whether you’re pitching an idea across your Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube or even Snapchat - it’s important that you get the BIG idea across in the initial mail. Marketers like to see, and feel what you’re pitching. Picture5 It’s short, it speaks about the creative idea, and it ensures the marketer knows you’re a credible source. Tip: when you attach the outline of your campaign to the email, remember that you only have five slides to get your idea across. Five slides, that’s it. Make sure they are five slides to remember!

STEP 4: Make closing the deal as easy as possible for you, and the brand

money Filling out supplier forms, getting POs and following up on invoices are all necessary steps - but they also make closing deals harder. You want to give the marketer the impression that working with you is not only going to be successful, but also simple. One way to make it easier for brands to work with you is to use the Booked By Webfluential tool. It gives influencers complete control to take bookings anywhere, anytime, from any brand. No paperwork, no invoices, no hassles. You control your prices, which you can change at any time, and all payments are processed via PayPal - guaranteed by Webfluential. There is a one-on-one chat function and even automated reporting after your campaign is complete. Picture7   So there you have it, four steps to land you more gigs as an influencer - we told you it was foolproof! Liked what you read? Sign up to be an influencer with Webfluential today, and get your media kit and booking form - then get pitching!   btn 4        

3 bloggers who brought our Kiwi campaign to life

March 10, 2016 10:16 am Published by

We recently ran a campaign for KIWI shoe polish, which happens to be a very well-known South African brand. While most of us associate the brand with memories of keeping our school shoes shining or something our parents always kept in the house, it doesn’t necessarily evoke a whole lot of creative thoughts - after all, it is just shoe polish.   However, when we ran the campaign our talented influencers were instantly inspired to express their creativity through artistic pictures of the products and this really got us to look at the brand in a whole new light. We were so impressed by what they came up with, we had to share their work with you. IMG_1742   The above picture was captured by fashion blogger and style icon The Threaded Man. As a fashion blogger, Siyabeyile naturally has a collection of shoes he likes to keep clean. “As The Threaded Man I have LOTS of shoes, from sneakers to formal footwear. I love my shoes, so when it comes to keeping them clean, I’m careful about which products I choose.”     image_110f6656-3d25-469a-8a3d-086a42a1bd27_large   Thuli Mola, the creator of Style Alert SA describes how for years she shied away from purchasing suede shoes, simply because she wasn’t sure how to take care of them. However after discovering a product by KIWI for suede shoes, her shoe collection became more exciting.   “I didn’t want to buy suede shoes because I just didn't know how to take care of them. But after I discovered KIWI Suede & Nubuck renovator and shoe shampoo, things really changed.”       IMG_9744       TeeTeeIsWithMe, a fashion blog created by Thithi Nteta, displayed a very modern image of her favourite shoes. When we value or love something, we want to take care of it. As most of us associate KIWI shoe polish as the go-to product for leather shoes, Thithi decided to trust KIWI with her most expensive suede shoes. “So, when I was sent a kit by KIWI which contained the Suede & Nubuck Renovator I decided to test out the product on one of the most expensive items I own (hoping and praying it wouldn’t stuff them up)!” To her surprise the product improved the condition of her shoes and Thithi was chuffed with the product. So it’s safe to say that “KIWI keeps your shoes clean for a very long, long time”.

Three tips from influencers that all marketers should hear

March 9, 2016 8:58 am Published by

3 tips from influencers for marketers   In an industry that is constantly changing and evolving, brands have no choice but to keep their marketing strategies flexible. Part of being flexible involves learning, listening to our consumers online, and adapting to the tips and tricks we learn along the way.   In the Influencer Marketing trade, who better to learn from than the influencers themselves? We get feedback and tips weekly from thousands of influencers and we’re making it our mission to share them with you - because a community who learns together, grows together.   Here are three tips from influencers that all marketers should hear.

1. Creative Freedom is a must!

Give influencers more creative control   Brands need to learn to let go, as scary as it sounds. Influencers have spent years building up a large engaged audience, they know best how to engage with them. By giving influencers a bit more freedom to create branded content they know will resonate with their audience, brands will achieve much higher engagement rates and end up running campaigns that consumers actually remember.  

2. Set clear campaign objectives

Set Realistic Expectations   If you work with an influencer platform that has experience in its field, it’ll be easier for you to set realistic goals. Be clear about your expectations and objectives upfront and communicate them with the influencers you’re working with. As with any successful project or campaign, planning is critical and sufficient time should be given to setting clear campaign objectives, having realistic expectations and providing enough time for your influencers to create the best content for your brand.   Present your terms and conditions upfront  

3. Brand presence should reflect business values, not merely product.

Collaborate with engaging influencers   One of the most important factors for a successful Influencer Marketing campaign is ensuring that your brand, not just the product being mentioned, is associated with the right influencers. An example of a brand that did this incredibly well was Omega Watches with their association to James Bond. It doesn’t matter what model of Omega watch is being promoted - the association with James Bond will hold the Omega brand in a highly exclusive light for years to come.   Webfluential is building the smartest technology for brands and social influencers to connect, tell stories and positively influence consumers.   We have built relationships with thousands influencers across the globe, on multiple channels. If you’re a marketer and you’d like to explore working with influencers, register by clicking on the below button.   Register as a marketer