3 bloggers who brought our Kiwi campaign to life

March 10, 2016 10:16 am Published by

We recently ran a campaign for KIWI shoe polish, which happens to be a very well-known South African brand. While most of us associate the brand with memories of keeping our school shoes shining or something our parents always kept in the house, it doesn’t necessarily evoke a whole lot of creative thoughts - after all, it is just shoe polish.   However, when we ran the campaign our talented influencers were instantly inspired to express their creativity through artistic pictures of the products and this really got us to look at the brand in a whole new light. We were so impressed by what they came up with, we had to share their work with you. IMG_1742   The above picture was captured by fashion blogger and style icon The Threaded Man. As a fashion blogger, Siyabeyile naturally has a collection of shoes he likes to keep clean. “As The Threaded Man I have LOTS of shoes, from sneakers to formal footwear. I love my shoes, so when it comes to keeping them clean, I’m careful about which products I choose.”     image_110f6656-3d25-469a-8a3d-086a42a1bd27_large   Thuli Mola, the creator of Style Alert SA describes how for years she shied away from purchasing suede shoes, simply because she wasn’t sure how to take care of them. However after discovering a product by KIWI for suede shoes, her shoe collection became more exciting.   “I didn’t want to buy suede shoes because I just didn't know how to take care of them. But after I discovered KIWI Suede & Nubuck renovator and shoe shampoo, things really changed.”       IMG_9744       TeeTeeIsWithMe, a fashion blog created by Thithi Nteta, displayed a very modern image of her favourite shoes. When we value or love something, we want to take care of it. As most of us associate KIWI shoe polish as the go-to product for leather shoes, Thithi decided to trust KIWI with her most expensive suede shoes. “So, when I was sent a kit by KIWI which contained the Suede & Nubuck Renovator I decided to test out the product on one of the most expensive items I own (hoping and praying it wouldn’t stuff them up)!” To her surprise the product improved the condition of her shoes and Thithi was chuffed with the product. So it’s safe to say that “KIWI keeps your shoes clean for a very long, long time”.