March 2, 2016 11:00 am
Published by Kirsty Sharman
From time to time we like featuring some of the great influencers that we have as part of #TeamWebfluential. Matthew Kanniah is one of our influencers who creates awesome content on his Instagram profile. We recently had the opportunity to chat to Matt about his work, what he does and how he manages to keep creating the amazing images that can be found on his Instagram profile.
Webfluential: Are all your pictures taken with your phone or do you use a camera?
Matt: I started off using my iPhone which was my stable diet of camera to use, now I shoot with DSLR (Digital camera).
Webfluential: What do you most enjoy photographing, people, nature, or objects and why?
Matt: I like the emotion and response I get when I show my images off to people on Instagram. For me I like to shoot what I like, but the most rewarding thing for me when people like it an get a response personally from it.
Webfluential: Do you have a go to filter on Instagram or do you use whichever filter, best captures the true beauty of the picture.
Matt: As good as they are, I don’t use any particular Instagram filter. My colour grading comes from VSCO. They both have filter packs for Lightroom as well as mobile, both of which I use
Webfluential: What/Who inspires your creativity?
Matt: My friends inspire me when I shoot with them, we are called the #BreadcrumbsSquad. A few other friends of mine being
Gareth Pon (@garethpon) and Zeno Petersen (
@zenography) Other accounts include @
Speedhunters for my car shots and Jeff Isy for his portraits.
Webfluential: What would your advise be to bloggers or Instagrammers who want to improve the quality/creativity of the pictures they take?
Matt: I would say get involved in your community like I did. Grab your friends and attend Instameets. Shoot with you have and exploit it until you have mastered it then move on to bigger and better things. Besides that, its time you get out in South Africa, get in your car and just explore! You will be amazed at what you find in your own back yard.

Want to work with Matthew?
Check out his Webfluential profile here.