Categories for Influencer marketing

5 growth hacks for every blogger

February 23, 2016 9:06 am Published by

5 blogger growth hacks

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie.

When you start blogging, or have been blogging for a couple of years, it’s easy to over complicate things because you are to close to the action. When a blogger is focusing on the bigger picture, they often loose sight of the smaller changes they can make to be more effective at what they do. All bloggers want to grow their blog, and sometimes it feels like you are losing out on the blogger growth hacks that will take your blog to the next level.

One of the most important rules to making your blog profitable is making yourself available to marketers who are looking for influencers to work with. By creating a Webfluential profile, you are instantly searchable and can be discovered by the 2000+ marketers that are already using Webfluential to find influencers for their campaign. Click the button below to start creating your Webfluential profile now.

Global Influencer Marketing Platform

Below is an infographic that shares five growth hacks that every blogger should be using. Why not share the infographic with your followers on Twitter, followers love when you share great information with them.

5 Growth Hacks For Bloggers


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Webfluential’s ‘Invite and Earn’ – a growth hack for online influencers

February 11, 2016 11:26 am Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie.

Brands are often actively looking for specific influencers to help in their campaigns. When brands viewing your profile and deciding to include you in a campaign or not, you can start earning with the #TeamWebfluential Invite and Earn tool by getting your influencer-friends to sign up to Webfluential.

A few weeks ago Webfluential launched the Invite and Earn tool and explained how it works here. Since then, $820 has been paid to influencers who have invited their qualifying friends to join Webfluential.

The ‘Invite and Earn’ growth hack

In the Webfluential Influencer Toolkit, there are a series of images that you can use to identify yourself as a Webfluential influencer. Thousands of Webfluential influencers use these images on their blogs to not only identify themselves, but also to link to their Webfluential Invite and Earn referral link. By placing these images on your site with the links, it means that marketers can identify you AND when other bloggers visit your site and see your accreditations, they can sign up to our influencer marketing platform based on your recommendation.

Webfluential Accredited Ellements

You can earn extra income by having these influencers sign up from your blog site or by personal recommendations.

How do I get paid for using the ‘Invite and Earn’ tool?

The recommended influencer has to qualify under the same criteria that you did. When they have gone through the needed steps, you will receive a notification on your Webfluential dashboard next to the “Invite and Earn” button. You can then go to the Invite and Earn tool page and request a payment.

Webfluential Invite and Earn Qualified referrals

Payments are processed in batches on the 1st and 15th of the month.

You can also view your payments by clicking the “View Payments” button in the top right corner of the “Invite and Earn” page.

Webfluential Invite and Earn Payment Notification

If you have any other questions, check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

Not an influencer yet? Hit the button below and start creating your Webfluential profile now.

Global Influencer Marketing Platform

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Should brands be using Snapchat?

January 28, 2016 10:29 am Published by

Every major marketing and digital communications publication has touted Snapchat as the go to for brands in 2016. But should brands be throwing their budgets at setting up channels and paying a small fortune to staff (or agencies) to maintain and run them?

Should brands be using Snapchat-

Snapchat is a specialized platform

Creating content for Snapchat is no easy task. It requires someone who understands the platform but, because of the real time nature of the network, also requires someone who can create content on the fly. While content ideas can be approved actual content has to be published in real time.

Convincing your audience to add you and watch said content is also really difficult. Snapchat was and is a place for friends to share entertaining stories via images, text and ten second video. What would be the driving factor to convince that market to want to watch brand content daily?

Creating Snaptchat content for brands

I wrote a rather comprehensive article for Memeburn where I said that brands should not be setting up Snapchat profiles in emerging markets like South Africa. You can read that argument here.

However, my argument is not that Snapchat should be wiped out of the marketing mix completely. Instead, I believe that in emerging markets Snapchat can be used best as part of a comprehensive Influencer Marketing Strategy. Adding Snapchat to the influencer arsenal allows your brand a chance to work with an influencer to create content that truly resonates with your target audience and communicated in a tone that resonates with them.

Should Brands be using snapchat

One of the many concerns around Snapchat influencers is that their reach and Snap views are not really measurable. We’re highly reliant on them to provide us with screenshots of their views and are still unable to ascertain the location or age of the audience. That’s why Snapchat can work so incredibly well as a value add and part of a larger influencer campaign.

Utilising the Webfluential platform marketers are able to run influencer campaigns and utilise content created and shared on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs and YouTube. We can also add Snapchat to the campaign to ensure your brand features prominently on the new medium via influencers on the platform. This is a great way to test the waters of the new social network and appeal to new audiences while safe in the safety net of the trackable influencer accounts you’re also utilising during your campaign.

Our team loves brainstorming around new Snapchat ideas and ways to incorporate it in to your campaign. Why not contact us and test the waters?

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