Categories for Influencer marketing

Prove your value to brands with our new Snapshot Report

July 13, 2016 9:19 am Published by

elon blog


Marketers want to be able to measure the success of their campaigns so they can see whether or not it was worth the budget spend. Here’s the thing: they find it tricky to track influencer campaigns. Marketers don’t have access to your analytics, and it can be a struggle for them to hunt down the everyone’s content at the end of the campaign, having to sift through posts, retweets and replies.


So the responsibility falls to you, the influencer, to prove to marketers that their investment in you and your platforms was a success. We realise that you’re busy too, crafting great content, handling multiple brand campaigns or even managing a day job on top of your blog!


That’s why Webfluential is constantly working to give you tools that do the work for you. Our latest gift to you is something we’re calling the Snapshot Report. This tool tracks all the relevant data around your content and produces a real-time online report that you can submit to brands.

How the Snapshot Report works:


  1. All you need to do is input the links to your social posts, YouTube videos and blog posts.
  2. Then the report shows the number of posts published, total engagements and how many people had the opportunity to see the post.


It does just what it says, giving the brands you work with a snapshot of the results of your campaign.

To show you just how cool the tool is, we created a Snapshot Report for one of our all-time favourite heroes, Elon Musk, following his comments on the launch of a new video game.



If you would like to see how the new tool reported on this tweet, click here to view the Snapshot Report.


This tool is still in beta and we’re testing it out. So we’re offering you the opportunity to use it at no cost. All you need to do is send us the links of your social posts and the name of the campaign/brand you worked with and we’ll create a report just for you! Email [email protected] to submit your data.

NB: Reports take roughly 24 hours to create, please be patient.

Thanks for making Webfluential awesome!

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How much could some of the most influential people in the world earn for a tweet?

May 20, 2016 9:38 am Published by

Time magazine recently published a list of some of the most influential people, ranging from icons to leaders all over the world. There is no doubt that all of these influencers are extremely successful but just how relevant are they on social media? I mean, since we’re living in a digital world wouldn’t it be interesting to see how much these icons could earn per tweet? A new Twitter calculator created by Webfluential – an Influencer Marketing platform, allows you to see how much anyone on Twitter earns, that’s right ANYONE.

I decided to check up on three of the most influential icons in the world and see how much they could earn per a tweet.


Leonardo Di Caprio

With a net worth of $217 million there is no doubt that this American actor is extremely successful. He was said to have earned $20 million for The Revenant – the movie that eventually got him his first Oscar. He also earned a staggering $55 million for Titanic. So we know he is definitely worth a lot, but how much could his tweets be worth?





2. Ronda Rousey

Ronda Rousey is quickly becoming one of the most recognised and highest paid female fighters. In 2015 it was said that she had an estimated net worth of $7 million.   With a string of MMA and Judo achievements as well as possessing a knack for acting, it’s safe to say that Ronda has achieved a great deal, and is certainly one successful lady you wouldn’t want to mess with. Have a look at how much this icon could be earning per tweet.




3. Adele

We all benefited from Adele’s break up and heartbreak when she released her album, 21. Her music moved people so much that they wanted to break up with a boyfriend they didn’t even have. Even though after four years you’d think she  would be over her break up, she released her album 25 four years later.  It’s been estimated that her current net worth is at $75 million so let’s see how much a single tweet from Adele could be worth.




Well it’s safe to say Adele is no longer rolling in the deep but rather rolling in the dough.

See how much you could earn for a tweet here.


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Mercedes-Benz and Casey Neistat – Influencer Marketing done right

April 29, 2016 2:45 pm Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie.

When we think of Mercedes-Benz we think of luxury and the high life. Casey Neistat is a YouTuber and he will happily admit that neither luxury or the high life is part of what he does. How does a luxury car brand like Mercedes and Neistat end up working on an advertising project?

Two words: Influencer Marketing

As other digital marketing efforts are becoming less and less effective, brands want to reach audiences that are engaged. Influencer Marketing is a great way of doing this, but sometimes the brand restricts influencers to what can or can not be done.

Problem is: Influencers know their audience best.

In a way it’s similar to how Hollywood works. Creatives create something for an audience, then producers, the production studio and network executives apply changes as they see fit, because they are, after all, fronting the bill.

Too many cooks really do spoil the broth, especially when the most vocal cooks don’t know what the people in the restuarant want to eat.

Mercedes-Benz have had multiple commercials for many cars over the years and most of these commercials cater to the same audience: High LSM males. If you’re in advertising you’ll know that target market well!

Mercedes commercials look fantastic, but for most of us it just leaves us wishing we could actually afford one of those beautiful luxury cars. The marketing team at Mercedes realised this, and so set out to reach a new audience – but to do this they had to try something they hadn’t done before.

Casey Neistat - Mercedes Benz CLA

This new audience is not the usual target – they are people like you and me, people like Casey Neistat, people who just want to have fun, people that Mercedes-Benz don’t really understand. This can be a problem, for any marketing team. Luckily the solution is obvious. Just find someone who understands the audience and let them create – no strings attached.

Casey Neistat stepped up to the plate and Mercedes-Benz armed him with the new CLA Class and bags full of money. Their instructions to Casey? Nothing.

“There’s a huge insecurity on my part that my audience might perceive this as: this is something a company is directing, or this is a company that wants to be something else, or this is something that a company is pushing in a certain direction.” said Neistat about his fears when taking on this project.

Right from day one, Neistat and his team did not hide a thing from their audience. They made a four-part video series to help showcase their process and the production of the CLA Class commercial. Like any good influencer, Neistat had all cards on the table where his audience could see them.

The resulting commercial is probably the best commercial that has even been made for Mercedes-Benz. Instead of making you feel like you need to earn more, the commercial makes you feel like you want to have fun.

It’s because of this honesty that influencers have with their audience, that there is a different type of connection. A connection that can change behaviour and influence purchasing decisions.

Casey Neistat skateboarding behind Merceds CLA

The audience also want to support the influencer, especially if branded content is not forced on them under false pretenses. Even though content might be paid for or sponsored, the audience will not mind if the content has been created for them. In fact, in most cases the audience will support the brand, because the brand supports the influencer.

This shows us that trust between brand and influencer is key. 

It’s only natural for a brand to be concerned about what will happen to their brand when placed in the hands of an influencer. Influencer Marketing is the future of marketing, but it will be critical for brands to identify influencers that understand branding and marketing as well as they understand their audience.

A real influencer builds his own audience using branding and marketing skills. If a brand can trust an influencer, and give them the creative freedom they deserve, not only will the campaign be a success but a mutually beneficial relationship will blossom between the two parties.

Once a mutually beneficial working relationship is created between brand and influencer, the influencer becomes a brand ambassador for life – and that is more valuable than any other form of media a brand can buy.


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