Author Archives for Kirsty Sharman

Invite and Earn – Get paid to introduce Influencers to Webfluential

January 12, 2016 12:12 pm Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. Influencers run in the same circles. We learn from each other, we ask each other questions and we give each other advice. That is part of the reason why #TeamWebfluential is home to over 4800 Influencers accross the globe. This is also the reason we have created "Invite and Earn" as a way to grow #TeamWebfluential even more. Invite and Earn – Get paid to introduce Influencers to Webfluential

What is Webfluential Invite and Earn?

Invite and Earn is a tool we have built for Webfluential Influencers to invite other influencers to join the platform. When you invite an Influencer to Webfluential and their application is successful, you earn some money for making the introduction. We give you a unique URL that you can share with your network of Influencers. Your Influencer-friends can use your unique URL to apply to be a Webfluential Influencer. Remember you need at least 1000 followers on Twitter to be a Webfluential Influencer. You can share your unique Invite and Earn URL via Twitter, Facebook or even your blog. You could even include it in your newsletter. How you use your unique Invite and Earn URL is up to you.

How much can I earn by inviting?

We are currently offering between $50 and $10, depending of the tier of the Influencer you invited to join #TeamWebfluential.
Tier 1 influencer 100,000+ audience size $50
Tier 2 influencer 50,000+ audience size $25
Tier 3 influencer 10,000+ audience size $10
Before payment is made, prospective Webfluential Influencers will have to go through 5 steps, before payment will be made to you for inviting them to the platform. Step 1: The prospective Influencer has been invited to Webfluential. Step 2: The prospective Influencer has sent in an application to Webfluential. Step 3: The prospective Influencer has logged into the platform for the first time. Step 4: The prospective Influencer has created a Social Media Profile. Step 5: The prospective Influencer has linked at least 2 social and one native channels. Your referral fee is ready to be paid!

Start Inviting and Earning now

Simply login to your Webfluential account and click on the "Invite and Earn" option in the left hand navigation menu to get your unique Invite and Earn URL or link. Share it with your friends and fellow Influencers to help grow #TeamWebfluential and earn some money along the way. If you are an Influencer and you have not signed up to be a Webfluential Influencer, simply click the button below to take the first step to monetising your online influence. Global Influencer Marketing Platform

One simple step to making your Tweets more engaging

January 7, 2016 3:20 pm Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. You've got a Webfluential account and you have connected your Twitter profile, you've set your price and you are ready to work with brands on Twitter. Here is one simple step to making your Tweets more engaging. One simple step to making your Tweets more engaging Who doesn't love to earn some money with tweets? But just tweeting is no way to ensure a long term relationship between brand and Influencer. If you offer value by sharing tweets that gets clicked, retweeted and liked, you are a step ahead of the curve. How do you easily create more engaging tweets? It's simple/easy, just add an  *image* ! You probably scroll past hundreds of tweets daily. These tweets that you don't even look at are likely just 140, or less, characters of text. Maybe there is a hashtag or a link in the mix, but nothing that really draws your attention. This is where images makes a big difference, they help your tweet stand out in the sea that is a Twitter stream.

Tweets with images get 55% more leads

HubSpot actually tested it. If you are not a marketer, this might not mean much to you. As an Influencer, it should mean a lot to you. You want people seeing your tweets above all other tweets, and you want them to engage (click a link, reply or retweet) with your tweets. Higher tweet-engagement is good for your personal brand too.

How do I include images in my Tweets?

You can easily do it from Twitter. Click the little camera icon when creating your tweet to include an image in your tweet, like in the image below. Adding an Image to Twitter via Twitter Desktop The same applies when using the Twitter app on your phone: When composing a tweet, click the camera icon and choose the image you want to include in your tweet.

Twitshot makes adding images to tweets even simpler

As a influencer you are sharing content, and in most cases that includes a link. It might be a link to something cool you found online, or something you want to share. It might be a link to your latest blog post. If you include an image in your tweet, there is a 55% better chance that the link in your tweet will be clicked. Twitshot makes it as easy as it can be to include an image in your tweet. Go to the Twitshot website, paste the link you want to share and Twitshot will gather all the images from that link. Click the image you want to include in your tweet, and hit the "Tweet" button. All done.


What is your Twitter engagement trick?

Now that you know how to create Tweets with images that look as cool as the one below, your tweets will stand out above the crowd. Tweet with image   What is your Twitter tips? Share it with us, @webfluenti_al, and include the #TeamWebfluential hashtag. Not a Webfluential Influencer yet? Hit the button below and sign-up today to start working with the brands you like. Global Influencer Marketing Platform

The benefits of having a credible media kit

January 6, 2016 9:52 am Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. I once read a Forbes article that said you have exactly 7 seconds to make a first impression. That’s roughly three words a second. So when you fire off that e-mail to the brand you’ve been dreaming about working with – best you present the best of your platforms in the first 21 words (so up until ‘three’ in this introduction). The benefits of having a credible media kit If you utilise a social media platform to create income and want to showcase your content to brands, a credible media kit gives you far more than 21 words AND creates a professional first impression within 7 seconds. People are predominantly visual. Creating a visual document that showcases your offerings in a professional, attractive and concise manner is the first foot in the door to making money off your influence. How does a media kit help make you money?

Sovereign Stats

Brands aren’t going to pay to work with someone who doesn’t have an audience. Being able to show your reach, resonance and relevance in a concise manner allows a brand to determine if the spend is worth the return. A media kit allows you to display your stats clearly and neatly.

But who are they?

It’s all very well showing how many people are in your audience but you also need to communicate who these people are. How old are they? Are they male? Female? Where do they live and what do they like? Brands work with influencers to access their audience and communicate with them in a tone they find relatable with content they enjoy engaging with. The audience of the influencer needs to be the target market of the brand. Setting up a credible media kit not only lets you show off your stats but also lets you intertwine important audience insights into the information you’re displaying.

Show, don’t tell.

Much like consumers turn to influencers before making purchasing decisions, brands like to know you’ve done work with other brands. By featuring some of the brands you’ve worked with on a media kit you’re able to create credibility relating to your content but also give the current brand an idea of the types of products and services you’re most likely to align with.

Your time to shine

Sometimes you need to be allowed to brag. This is one of those times. Have a regular radio spot? Were you once tasked with tweeting from the top of Kilimanjaro? A few lines or a small image marking this highlight is a great way to better promote your personal brand to the brand you’re targeting. It shows that you’re different and have accomplished a few milestones. In 7 seconds a media kit allows you to give a quick snapshot of your influence and, more importantly, your audience. In those 7 seconds a brand can determine if you are the influencer that will collaborate best with them to reach their campaign goals. Showing brands the content you create and who engages with that content is the first step to forming financially beneficial relationships and making money from your influence. Webfluential now provides influencers signed up to the platform with the free tools to create their own media kits that give brands and agencies the best snapshot of your influence. Login to your profile and click My Media Kit on the left to start putting yours together! Global Influencer Marketing Platform