One simple step to making your Tweets more engaging

January 7, 2016 3:20 pm Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. You've got a Webfluential account and you have connected your Twitter profile, you've set your price and you are ready to work with brands on Twitter. Here is one simple step to making your Tweets more engaging. One simple step to making your Tweets more engaging Who doesn't love to earn some money with tweets? But just tweeting is no way to ensure a long term relationship between brand and Influencer. If you offer value by sharing tweets that gets clicked, retweeted and liked, you are a step ahead of the curve. How do you easily create more engaging tweets? It's simple/easy, just add an  *image* ! You probably scroll past hundreds of tweets daily. These tweets that you don't even look at are likely just 140, or less, characters of text. Maybe there is a hashtag or a link in the mix, but nothing that really draws your attention. This is where images makes a big difference, they help your tweet stand out in the sea that is a Twitter stream.

Tweets with images get 55% more leads

HubSpot actually tested it. If you are not a marketer, this might not mean much to you. As an Influencer, it should mean a lot to you. You want people seeing your tweets above all other tweets, and you want them to engage (click a link, reply or retweet) with your tweets. Higher tweet-engagement is good for your personal brand too.

How do I include images in my Tweets?

You can easily do it from Twitter. Click the little camera icon when creating your tweet to include an image in your tweet, like in the image below. Adding an Image to Twitter via Twitter Desktop The same applies when using the Twitter app on your phone: When composing a tweet, click the camera icon and choose the image you want to include in your tweet.

Twitshot makes adding images to tweets even simpler

As a influencer you are sharing content, and in most cases that includes a link. It might be a link to something cool you found online, or something you want to share. It might be a link to your latest blog post. If you include an image in your tweet, there is a 55% better chance that the link in your tweet will be clicked. Twitshot makes it as easy as it can be to include an image in your tweet. Go to the Twitshot website, paste the link you want to share and Twitshot will gather all the images from that link. Click the image you want to include in your tweet, and hit the "Tweet" button. All done.


What is your Twitter engagement trick?

Now that you know how to create Tweets with images that look as cool as the one below, your tweets will stand out above the crowd. Tweet with image   What is your Twitter tips? Share it with us, @webfluenti_al, and include the #TeamWebfluential hashtag. Not a Webfluential Influencer yet? Hit the button below and sign-up today to start working with the brands you like. Global Influencer Marketing Platform