Tag Archive: Social Media

Why the future of advertising is influencer?

August 18, 2020 12:26 pm Published by

What was one of the first lessons your parents taught you?

“Never talk to Strangers”.

Yet, what do we as brands try to do every day? 

It’s not our fault though. It is behavior engrained by decades of mass production, media consumption habits, and the lag of translating real value from (digital) advertising to real results for brands.

Adtech has evolved over the last 25 years, bringing about tension between ad personalization and data privacy. The next 10 years of adtech evolution has suddenly been compressed as a result of COVID, and what this translates into, is a mass migration of ad spend from traditional mediums like outdoor, print, and even TV to new mediums like influencer. 

Let’s understand what has changed, and why? And how you can navigate the noise to find real return on ad spend.

To sell a product, you need to reach a target audience with a message (content) and you need a “shelf” where your audience can purchase the product.

In the early days of mass production when mediums such as TV and Radio were used for reaching a mass audience, the objective was to produce a product and distribute it to a shelf near you for as little as possible. The “Brand” controlled the narrative and became the vehicle of trust. There were many ways to optimize the cost of reaching consumers and optimize the chances of success through shopper marketing, neuroscience, and distinctiveness on shelf, etc. 

However, the problem here was that it was difficult for the brand to know who their customers actually were. In response, along came industries such as CRM, Loyalty, and post-purchase upsell and cross-sell mechanisms that add value and return by extracting more revenue from existing and incremental spend. 

Over time, digital advertising and with it social media-enabled much better targeting of audiences and ad optimization. Add eCommerce, and for the first time brands actually got to meet their customers at scale, and perhaps more importantly understand which 50% of their ad budget was actually working.

But, there was still one major hurdle to overcome. The narrative that the brand once controlled had moved from a “one-to-many” model to a “many-to-many” model. The brand was no longer the host of the party, the party was now at the consumer’s house and no matter how hard the brand knocked, it was up to the consumer to unlock the door and allow the brand into the party and become part of the conversation. The power was now in the hands of the consumer. 

Enter Influencer Marketing…..

The rise and rise of influencer as an advertising channel is best illustrated by the search trends in the Google trends data below:

Celebrities such as Kylie Jenner have been quick to leverage their celebrity founded on traditional channels within social media helping them to build billion-dollar brands. Others have leveraged this trend to amass huge passionate followers and launch their own businesses founded on social media alone – Chiara Ferragni  – @chiaraferragni. What follows are big and small brands alike trying to unlock the consumer’s front door and join in on the conversation by leveraging consumer trust from within the party – AKA influencers.

Given the rise of the nano, and micro-influencer and that engagement is directly proportional to reach, what has evolved is:

  1. The cost of producing authentic content by working with influencers has come down.
  2. You can now reach highly engaged audiences by using more nano & micro-influencers at once through the right tech.
  3. Resulting in being able to leverage the trust that niche audiences have in influencers at scale.

Check Out.

Now that we understand how advertising has evolved, let’s unpack the evolution of the shelf. While COVID has added fuel to the burning of retail and migration to the online checkout, the next step in evolution moves the shelf from the brand owned eCommerce website and marketplace (read Amazon) to the point of purchase itself through a “distributed link” – meaning the checkout can now happen on any platform anywhere – on Instagram; on the influencer’s profile; on a live video or on any URL, and still, get fulfilled by “Amazon” – hence fulfillment becomes a commodity. 

Lastly, you have social proof built-in, which means the content, the purchase, and the referral all happen at the same time, fuelling an increase in your Return On Ad Spend (ROAS).

What this means is that if done correctly, a big or small brand can quite literally go from zero to hero overnight. 

Do you believe that the future of advertising is influencer?

Here are my top 5 tips for working with influencers to cut through the noise and improve your Return On Ad Spend.

  1. Work with micro & nano Influencers at scale instead of celebrities, this will be much more cost-effective.
  2. Allow the influencer to create the content and try not to dictate too much. Influencers know their audience needs much better than we do, if the audience smells a lack of authenticity your campaign will not work and that door will remain locked.
  3. Bring the Point of Purchase as close as you can to the content.
  4. Use Branded Content Ads to reach new audiences with the sophisticated targeting capabilities of Facebook (& Instagram).
  5. Ensure you are tracking your ROI and ROAS which should outperform traditional and digital ad channels. 

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to [email protected]

Ryan Silberman.

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Who were the most influential people during this year’s UEFA Champions League Final?

June 7, 2016 12:12 pm Published by


The 28th May 2016 saw the much anticipated clash between Spain’s finest, the Madrid Derby, involving powerhouses Real Madrid and emerging giants, Athletico Madrid in Europe’s biggest club competition, the UEFA Champions League. Just how big is it? Well, according to Heavy.com, “when Barcelona beat Juventus to win the 2015 final, UEFA estimates that 180 million people in 200 countries witnessed them raise the trophy.”

Just to put that into perspective, Vocative.com further goes on to report that the Champions League is vastly bigger and dwarfs the American Super Bowl which on its own is a big spectacle in the US.

“In addition to an impressive 200 countries tuning in, the teams in this year’s finals made off with $108 million in prize money, dwarfing the Super Bowl’s $14.9 million collected during the playoffs in January.” – Vocative.com

The 2016 viewership stats are yet to be released but judging from the above, one can easily predict that the numbers have increased. As with all sports fans, myself included, one of the things we look forward to is all the banter pre, during and post a match. In most cases all that takes place on Twitter through online conversation. To give you a sense of this using the aforementioned final as an example, check this out from the tournament’s official website.

Being in the business of creating and tracking conversations on behalf of brands, we couldn’t pass up on the chance to track this huge sporting event. This is what we found:

Most of the conversation around the @Championsleague handle is curated not created. This tells us that fans are in the game of sharing content in the moment, being the first to spread the news. It’s amazing to see that through the power of Social Media you can reach over 1 billion people from only 355 766 accounts. Sure there will be crossover, and sure we can argue that the reach figure is more an opportunity figure – but what we can’t argue is the power of social conversation around the @Championsleague!


Another interesting insight is how the conversation pre and post the match almost equals the conversation on the day – telling us that sport content might not be as ‘in the moment’ as we think it is. As brands, we have more than the 90min match time to leverage the conversation.

Capture 2

To view the full report that also includes the most influential people and brands talking about @Championsleague, simply click on this link: https://webfluential.com/report/view_twitter_tracker/847

Tracking online conversation(s) has never been this easy!

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Should brands be using Snapchat?

January 28, 2016 10:29 am Published by

Every major marketing and digital communications publication has touted Snapchat as the go to for brands in 2016. But should brands be throwing their budgets at setting up channels and paying a small fortune to staff (or agencies) to maintain and run them?

Should brands be using Snapchat-

Snapchat is a specialized platform

Creating content for Snapchat is no easy task. It requires someone who understands the platform but, because of the real time nature of the network, also requires someone who can create content on the fly. While content ideas can be approved actual content has to be published in real time.

Convincing your audience to add you and watch said content is also really difficult. Snapchat was and is a place for friends to share entertaining stories via images, text and ten second video. What would be the driving factor to convince that market to want to watch brand content daily?

Creating Snaptchat content for brands

I wrote a rather comprehensive article for Memeburn where I said that brands should not be setting up Snapchat profiles in emerging markets like South Africa. You can read that argument here.

However, my argument is not that Snapchat should be wiped out of the marketing mix completely. Instead, I believe that in emerging markets Snapchat can be used best as part of a comprehensive Influencer Marketing Strategy. Adding Snapchat to the influencer arsenal allows your brand a chance to work with an influencer to create content that truly resonates with your target audience and communicated in a tone that resonates with them.

Should Brands be using snapchat

One of the many concerns around Snapchat influencers is that their reach and Snap views are not really measurable. We’re highly reliant on them to provide us with screenshots of their views and are still unable to ascertain the location or age of the audience. That’s why Snapchat can work so incredibly well as a value add and part of a larger influencer campaign.

Utilising the Webfluential platform marketers are able to run influencer campaigns and utilise content created and shared on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs and YouTube. We can also add Snapchat to the campaign to ensure your brand features prominently on the new medium via influencers on the platform. This is a great way to test the waters of the new social network and appeal to new audiences while safe in the safety net of the trackable influencer accounts you’re also utilising during your campaign.

Our team loves brainstorming around new Snapchat ideas and ways to incorporate it in to your campaign. Why not contact us and test the waters?

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