Tag Archive: snapchat

Webfluential now allows you to add Snapchat and LinkedIn to your influencer profile

September 19, 2016 1:21 pm Published by



At Webfluential we aim to keep up to date with industry trends that could contribute to further developing the influencer marketing industry. With Snapchat and LinkedIn becoming increasingly popular channels, we are now making it possible for you to add Snapchat and LinkedIn to your Webfluential profile.



Adding Snapchat 

With 100 million daily users, according to stats on expandedramblings.com, it’s hard to ignore how quickly Snapchat has become one of the most popular social platforms.

Recent data on this website has revealed that 60% of Snapchat users post content daily and a staggering 9 000 snaps are sent out every second!

Snapchat has become  an extremely popular channel for influencers to connect and engage with their audiences while adding value to influencer marketing campaigns, which is why we’ve now made it possible to add this valuable channel to your influencer profile.






Adding LinkedIn

Currently LinkedIn has a total of 450 million users, according to stats on expandedramblings.com, and while this may not be as many users as Snapchat, LinkedIn is still considered as one of the more popular social networks for business.

Recent data on this website has revealed that LinkedIn has a geographical reach of 200 countries and territories having said this, many marketers and influencers are using LinkedIn as a means to build valuable relationships.

With many Webfluential clients already requesting Snapchat and LinkedIn campaigns, we strongly suggest you take advantage of this latest update.




How do I add Snapchat/ LinkedIn to my Webfluential profile?

Simply follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘My Profiles’
  2. Click ‘Add Snapchat’
  3. Then fill in the required fields
  4. Don’t forget to add your pricing


Please note, Snapchat and LinkedIn will not yet affect the audience size displayed on your media kit. It is, however, another way you could earn revenue through the platform.

If you have any questions please feel free to email [email protected]

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Should brands be using Snapchat?

January 28, 2016 10:29 am Published by

Every major marketing and digital communications publication has touted Snapchat as the go to for brands in 2016. But should brands be throwing their budgets at setting up channels and paying a small fortune to staff (or agencies) to maintain and run them?

Should brands be using Snapchat-

Snapchat is a specialized platform

Creating content for Snapchat is no easy task. It requires someone who understands the platform but, because of the real time nature of the network, also requires someone who can create content on the fly. While content ideas can be approved actual content has to be published in real time.

Convincing your audience to add you and watch said content is also really difficult. Snapchat was and is a place for friends to share entertaining stories via images, text and ten second video. What would be the driving factor to convince that market to want to watch brand content daily?

Creating Snaptchat content for brands

I wrote a rather comprehensive article for Memeburn where I said that brands should not be setting up Snapchat profiles in emerging markets like South Africa. You can read that argument here.

However, my argument is not that Snapchat should be wiped out of the marketing mix completely. Instead, I believe that in emerging markets Snapchat can be used best as part of a comprehensive Influencer Marketing Strategy. Adding Snapchat to the influencer arsenal allows your brand a chance to work with an influencer to create content that truly resonates with your target audience and communicated in a tone that resonates with them.

Should Brands be using snapchat

One of the many concerns around Snapchat influencers is that their reach and Snap views are not really measurable. We’re highly reliant on them to provide us with screenshots of their views and are still unable to ascertain the location or age of the audience. That’s why Snapchat can work so incredibly well as a value add and part of a larger influencer campaign.

Utilising the Webfluential platform marketers are able to run influencer campaigns and utilise content created and shared on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Blogs and YouTube. We can also add Snapchat to the campaign to ensure your brand features prominently on the new medium via influencers on the platform. This is a great way to test the waters of the new social network and appeal to new audiences while safe in the safety net of the trackable influencer accounts you’re also utilising during your campaign.

Our team loves brainstorming around new Snapchat ideas and ways to incorporate it in to your campaign. Why not contact us and test the waters?

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