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Influencer marketing is great for SEO and social conversation starters

September 16, 2014 11:03 am Published by

Two of the lesser known benefits of influencer marketing—the tactic to have credible digital personalities talk about your brand—are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and social conversation fire-starters.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing a website as a means to obtain a high ranking organic placement in search results. Higher placements in search results usually yield more visitors to the website.

There are over 200 factors which are processed by Google to determine where a website appears on its results page following a search query. One of the more important factors is the number and quality of inbound links to the website.

During the month of June, Smirnoff launched their #ExploreTheNight marketing campaign to promote the latest addition to their product offering; Smirnoff Ice Double Black with Guarana. The campaign created awareness around the launch by asking people how they explore the night and encouraging them to add their experiences to the Explore The Night platform using the hashtag #ExploreTheNight.

Webfluential was tasked with enhancing the reach and creating online talkability around the Explore The Night Campaign — using the right influencers in order to get the message to the right audience.

Besides for the obvious short term benefit of talkability, our influencer marketing campaign yielded a long-term benefit which will add value to Explore The Night throughout its duration. The Google search results for the brand initiative illustrate the benefit of SEO – the top five links from the chosen influencers rank higher than the Smirnoff owned website.


Smirnoff Google search


The second benefit influencer marketing highlights is the ability to start the conversation tone and sentiment and influence the volume of discussion on social platforms. By investing into the right influencers addressing your target market, and providing great content to discuss, social amplification can leverage the distance that the conversation travels.

Recently, Webfluential was briefed to run an awareness campaign for Nando’s Mass Hysteria. The volume of social discussion is given in the graph below. Note the seeding of conversation by the right influencers, driving conversation from their audience.


Nando's social volume


In the digital age anyone can create a community and cultivate an audience that trusts the value of the content provided. Consumers choose their brand ambassadors and the communities they belong to. The platforms and digital insights available to marketers has changed the notion of influence such that brands don’t have to aggregate their own audiences anymore. Influencer marketing allows brands to leverage the audiences and communities of trusted influencers.

Sign up as a marketer here to run your own influencer search. Try out your first campaign.

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8 Secrets of Successful Influencers

July 7, 2014 10:02 am Published by

The days of Katy Perry on a billboard, her piercing, Photoshop-enhanced blue eyes urging you to buy her fragrance, are numbered. Brands are shifting their budgets to digital, and online influencers are the new blogging, tweeting, hash-tagging billboards.

You’re clicking through to their blogs during your coffee break. You’re leaving comments on their posts. You know who we’re talking about: in your Twitter and/or Instagram feeds, you’re following someone who is your kind of cool – in a way, you’ve handpicked your brand ambassadors.

One of the biggest misconceptions about influencers, by brands and followers alike, is that they just got lucky. The reality is that there’s no such thing as an accidental influencer. Social media is a fickle friend with a short memory. Even if you unwittingly start trending, or spark a meme, if you’re not quick to capitalise on your 15 minutes of internet fame, that initial rush of follows, likes and shares will soon dwindle.

Although each of these online celebrities has acquired their fame and notoriety in their own special way there are some commonalities between their success that we can learn from.


Secrets of Successful Influencers-01

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The Evolution of the Web

June 26, 2014 10:45 am Published by



Some might look at the World Wide Web as a story of creation over seven significant time periods. Others might see it as a story of evolution through daily, incremental improvements and additional services or experiences.

Nonetheless, the history of the web is a short one, with the first piece of HTML code being written in 1990. This post is going to look at the major chapters that have shaped the web and the current key forces at play that will impact our favourite place to learn, engage and transact in the coming years.


1) Websites

At the turn of the century, there were a mere 20 million web domains registered globally. Today, the number of websites online is close to 1 billion. Most companies, personalities, associations (and even the odd pet) have their own website. As early sites offered little in the way of two-way communication, the only feasible option to stay up to date with new content was to subscribe to RSS (remember that?!), or literally punch the domain into your browser on a weekly basis.


 2) Search Engines

The challenge with having a huge number of websites living online was the simple mechanism to index, categorise and display appropriate websites for a given search query. Remember Excite or Magellan? Probably not – because Google and Yahoo clouded them out. The race was on to make the first page of a search engine’s results.


3) Search Engine Optimisation

In the absence of other feasible ways to discover the incredible websites that had been crafted for the web, the SEO industry was born. Link farms, backlinks and finger-pointing at competing SEO companies through site audits created the market for coders to adhere to search engine friendly meta data.


4)Paid Search

Who better to come up with a solution to the SEO campaign manager’s nightmare than the search engines giants themselves? Microsoft, Yahoo and Google offer comprehensive paid advertising options on their search engines, but also on affiliate websites, display networks and subsidiary companies. Bidding on keywords for industries like insurance, banking and motoring, have driven specialisation of campaign media managers to extraordinary heights.



Whether the social web came about to solve the internet’s riddle of being able to discover newsworthy content in real time, or simply to interact with others, is unclear. Social status updates, links to valuable places on the web and two-way communication with brands and people were previously out of reach, but are now within everyone’s reach (like replacing fan mail with tweets directly to @KatyPerry).


6)Content Marketing

Staying relevant to a target audience means drumming up interest in the brand, industry or its people by sharing great content. Think about how Red Bull content doesn’t expose their product, but inspires a certain lifestyle. That’s great content marketing. Brands drive conversions after the fact by using remarketing banners to target their audience – ultimately not just selling goods on an Ecommerce site – but selling eyeballs too.


7)Influencer Marketing

Using celebrities to endorse products is a staple in Marketing 101. Access to online audiences amassed by the celebrities makes influencer marketing more tangible and feasible for brands to do. From an SEO point of view, having hundreds of credible inbound links from the influencers’ websites to the digital point of sale, and creating the “earned” media component of the Earned, Owned & Paid trifecta makes perfect sense.



The Internet touches billions of people on a daily basis. As this number grows, so too will the ubiquitous role that it plays in the connectedness of everything. Wearable technology, the internet of things, big data and possibly even a move away from email (and cat videos) could be future chapters of this story we’re lucky to be experiencing in our lifetime.





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