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Creators are the new media titans

September 2, 2024 11:40 am Published by

As traditional media struggles to keep pace, a new era of direct-to-audience content is redefining the landscape.

The downfall of traditional media is no longer a distant prediction; it’s unfolding before our eyes. Creators, not corporations, are now at the helm, reshaping how content is delivered and consumed. The times of waiting for the evening news broadcast or the morning paper is fading fast. Content now reaches audiences instantly, directly from the source to the consumer, bypassing the slow, antiquated channels that once dominated the media industry.

Influencer marketing platform, Webfluential, recognised this shift early on, positioning itself as a driving force in the creator economy by empowering individual creators with the tools and partnerships they need and helping to shape the new media landscape.

The collapse of traditional media

For centuries, the flow of information was dictated by those who controlled the means of distribution. From the slow relay of news by horse to the rise of print and broadcast media, the channels were firmly established and tightly controlled. But the digital age has shattered this model. As Murray Legg, Co-Founder of Webfluential, observes: “The immediacy of content delivery today has rendered traditional media obsolete. News doesn’t break; it emerges in real-time, directly from the creators themselves.”

One striking example of this shift occurred when Brazilian influencer Murilo Duarte live-streamed from the Jardim João XXIII slum in São Paulo, Brazil, in April 2023. His stream, which showcased the real-time impact of government policies on local communities, reached millions of viewers on platforms like TikTok before traditional media outlets could catch up. This demonstrated the growing influence of creators as the first line of news and information.

The rise of the creator economy

The creator economy isn’t just a response to the limitations of traditional media; it’s a complete reimagining of how content is created, shared, and monetised. Creators are no longer just influencers - they are the new media moguls, commanding vast audiences with content that is personal, immediate, and deeply resonant.

Webfluential has been instrumental in this evolution within South Africa. By connecting brands with these powerful new voices, Webfluential ensures that the creators who shape public discourse can also thrive financially. The platform offers creators the tools to monetise their influence, while brands gain access to audiences that are highly engaged and ready to act.

Economic impact

The economic implications of this shift are significant. The global creator economy has hit an all-time high in value, with an estimated worth of $21.1 billion at the end of 2023, according to Webfluential’s latest research.

And it’s not stopping there, the creator economy is rapidly expanding. The report highlights that a growing number of marketers are shifting their budgets from traditional advertising to influencer marketing, recognising the value and effectiveness of these partnerships in driving engagement and sales. It’s this increasing influence that creators have on consumer behaviour that far surpasses traditional media channels in immediate reach and impact.

The new media landscape

The rise of the creator landscape has fundamentally changed how we consume content and engage with media. Creators, with their ability to connect directly and authentically with audiences, are leading this transformation, driving both the conversation and commerce in real-time. This is redefining the roles within media, where traditional gatekeepers are being replaced by individuals who can command vast, engaged followings.

As brands increasingly look to tap into this dynamic, the importance of having the right tools and partnerships becomes clear. This is where influencer platforms come into play, providing the infrastructure needed to support these new media powerhouses. By enabling creators to maintain their authenticity while expanding their reach, they help bridge the gap between brands and the highly connected audiences they wish to engage.

Legg highlights this evolution, stating: “Creators are now the most influential voices in media, and the value of these direct connections is becoming increasingly clear. Supporting this will drive the future of media.” 

The new normal

The creator economy is not a fleeting trend - it’s the new reality. Traditional media, with its slow processes and hierarchical structures, simply cannot compete with the immediacy and authenticity that creators bring to the table. This is more than just a change in how content is delivered; it’s a transformation of the entire media landscape.

As this new era continues to unfold, those who fail to adapt will find themselves left behind. The future of media is here, and it’s being shaped by the creators who are redefining how we connect, influence, and engage.

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The Influencer Impact

July 29, 2024 12:47 pm Published by

The global influencer marketing industry is set to grow to an astonishing $22.2 billion by 2025. If anyone ever doubted its staying power, this figure makes it clear: influencer marketing is here to stay.

In fact, according to the latest The State of Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2024, this growth is not just a global experience. In South Africa, the landscape is evolving rapidly, with local brands poised to capitalise on this growth through digital strategies and meaningful connections with consumers. The report reveals that 60% of brands that already budget for influencer marketing plan to increase their spending over 2024, demonstrating the sector's intrinsic role in modern marketing strategies.

Influencer marketing continues to outperform traditional marketing channels. The report highlights that 85% of survey respondents believe influencer marketing to be an effective form of marketing, a clear increase from previous years. This confidence is driving more brands to allocate larger portions of their marketing budgets to influencer partnerships.

TikTok leads the way, utilised by 69% of brands engaging in influencer marketing, far surpassing Instagram (47%), YouTube (33%), and Facebook (28%). The appeal of these platforms lies in their ability to deliver visually compelling, short-form video content that resonates deeply with audiences.

A significant shift towards smaller influencers is also noted, with 44% of brands opting for nano-influencers (1k-10k followers) and 26% for micro-influencers (10k-100k followers). These influencers, known for their higher engagement rates and authentic connections with followers, are becoming key players in brand strategies. 

“South African brands are increasingly recognising the value of these partnerships, diving into niche markets and forging deeper connections with their audiences,” says Pieter Groenewald, CEO of the Nfinity Influencer Group. 

Local brands aren't just following global trends; they are setting standards. Albert Makoeng, MD of the Nfinity Influencer Group, says: “South African brands have always been at the forefront of innovation. The nature of influencer marketing presents an incredible opportunity for brands of all sizes to connect with consumers in more meaningful and impactful ways. By leveraging the unique qualities of our diverse influencer community, brands can achieve remarkable results that represent their innovative ways.”

The report further reveals that nearly a quarter of respondents intend to spend more than 40% of their entire marketing budget on influencer campaigns. This significant allocation underscores the growing trust and reliance on influencer marketing as a primary strategy for brand engagement and sales.

However, despite the promising potential, there are still challenges. Identifying the right influencers, measuring ROI, and managing campaigns effectively remain top concerns for brands. Yet, advancements in AI and machine learning are providing solutions. 63% of brands plan to use AI in executing their influencer campaigns, with 55% using AI for influencer identification. These tools are essential for providing detailed metrics on engagement rates, conversions, and influencer media value, ensuring every campaign's success.

Groenewald adds: “We’ve developed sophisticated tools to help brands navigate these challenges. By providing detailed analytics and insights, we empower brands to make data-driven decisions and maximise their influencer marketing ROI. Our platform connects brands with the right creators, ensuring that every collaboration is strategic and impactful.”

Looking ahead, the report predicts continued growth in the use of AI and machine learning to enhance influencer marketing strategies. These technologies will enable better influencer matching, campaign optimisation, and deeper insights into consumer behaviour. 

The State of Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2024 tells a promising story for the future of influencer marketing. With its high ROI, growing platform preferences, and the rise of micro and nano-influencers, the industry is set for significant growth. 

For South African brands willing to embrace these opportunities, the future holds immense potential. As Makoeng aptly puts it: “The real challenge isn’t just to keep up with trends, but to stay ahead of the curve. With influencer marketing, brands can build genuine relationships with their audiences and make a significant impact in their industry.”

The Human ‘X-FACTOR’ in AI-Driven Marketing

July 25, 2024 1:18 pm Published by

Op:Ed By Jhene Nel, Divisional Head of Sales at Webfluential

A few years ago, as whispers of artificial intelligence (AI) began permeating the marketing sector, there was a palpable buzz. Part excitement, part scepticism. Across industry gatherings and in hushed conference calls, professionals half-joked about AI potentially rendering traditional skills redundant. However, as we ventured into this new terrain at Webfluential, our initial apprehension gave way to a profound realisation: AI wasn’t here to replace us; it was here to enhance our capabilities and extend our reach. 

Reflecting on this, a quote by author Joanna Maciejewska comes to mind: "You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-AI is? Wrong direction. I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes." This insight beautifully encapsulates the ideal role of AI in influencer marketing - not as a creator but as an enabler, allowing human creativity to flourish.

The Benefits of AI in Influencer Marketing

Enhanced Targeting and Personalisation:

We know AI excels in processing vast amounts of data, in marketing this is a game-changer in identifying precise audience segments. It enables marketers to tailor their influencer campaigns with unprecedented accuracy, ensuring that messages are delivered to the most receptive audiences, significantly boosting campaign relevance and effectiveness. 

Efficiency and Scalability:

AI-driven tools streamline campaign management from influencer discovery to performance tracking. This efficiency allows marketing teams to juggle and manage multiple campaigns simultaneously, scaling their efforts more effectively than ever before, and ensuring consistent performance across all initiatives. Gone are the days of one campaign per quarter. 

Predictive Insights and Proactive Adjustments:

AI doesn’t just analyse current trends; it predicts future behaviours. Quite accurately, when done correctly. These predictive capabilities allow brands to stay ahead of market shifts, adapting their strategies proactively to maintain engagement and relevance.

The Irreplaceable Human Touch

The Psychological Need for Human Connection:

Despite the digital revolution, the fundamental human need for connection remains unchanged. Influencers fulfil this need by acting as relatable figures who share personal insights and experiences. They bridge the gap between a brand’s digital presence and its human audience, turning abstract brand messages into personalised interactions.

During a talk on the impact of AI at Suits & Sneakers, Richard Mulholland shared a powerful insight, reflecting on a personal experience that highlighted our human advantage. He noted: "Good service is defined by how well you do your job. Great service is defined by how well you do your 'not my job.' It’s the things that people don’t pay us for, that we do, that they remember us for. The machines can’t do this. That’s the unfair human advantage”.

This sentiment captures the essence of what machines can't replicate: the unexpected, deeply personal touches that forge lasting connections and memories. In influencer marketing, this human element - our ability to go beyond the expected and genuinely relate - remains our greatest asset.

Authenticity and Trust:

Influencers are the human face of modern digital campaigns, providing a level of authenticity that resonates deeply with audiences. They build trust through personal stories and genuine interactions, which are critical in converting followers into customers. This human element creates a loyal customer base, as consumers are more likely to engage with a brand that feels familiar and trustworthy.

Emotional Intelligence:

People excel at understanding and conveying emotions, a nuance that AI has yet to master, and many suspect, never will. Influencers use this emotional intelligence to connect with their audience, crafting content that is not only relevant but also emotionally engaging, thus deepening the impact of marketing messages.

Strategic Integration of AI and Human Creativity

As businesses increasingly rely on influencer marketing, the collaboration between AI and human creativity has become a necessity. AI enhances campaign precision and efficiency, allowing brands to harness deep insights and scalability. Yet, the success of these campaigns still heavily depends on the nuanced, emotional intelligence that only humans can provide.

Delivering Data-Driven Insights in Influencer Marketing:

Influencer marketing thrives on data-driven insights that allow brands to react and adapt in real time. The industry increasingly relies on AI to sift through complex datasets, enabling marketers to refine their strategies for better engagement and ROI. Speaking from experience at Webfluential, we use AI to translate vast amounts of data into actionable insights, helping our clients understand and harness the dynamics of their campaigns effectively. This approach not only boosts campaign precision but also empowers brands with the agility to make informed adjustments as market conditions evolve.

The Role of Human Insight in a Data-Driven World:

Authenticity, which is central to the influencer’s appeal, cannot be manufactured by algorithms. This is why, even as we integrate sophisticated AI tools to enhance our campaign strategies, we maintain a strong focus on human creativity and intuition. The balance between machine efficiency and human empathy is crucial, ensuring that our technology enhances rather than replaces the personal touch that audiences value.

Finding Balance Between Technology and Personal Insight:

Successfully integrating AI with human insights does not just enhance operational efficiency - it enriches the creative process, making campaigns more effective and resonant. In practice, this means leveraging AI for its analytical strengths while still depending on human understanding to craft messages that truly speak to people. We strive for this balance, ensuring our campaigns achieve not only technical precision but also emotional depth, which is often the hallmark of influencer marketing success.


In the end, the tools and technologies at our disposal are just that. Tools. They are designed to enhance our capabilities, not to overshadow the irreplaceable human elements that are the bedrock of meaningful communication. As we look to the future, our focus at Webfluential remains steadfast on nurturing these human connections, ensuring that every campaign not only reaches but truly touches the audience. It's in this careful balancing of technology and personal insight that the true art of influencer marketing lies. 

And as someone who has seen both the possibilities and the pitfalls of this dynamic field, I believe our greatest successes will not be measured by the data we analyse but by the human moments we create and cherish. Let us not forget, in our rush to embrace the new, that sometimes the most cutting-edge tool at our disposal is a simple conversation, a genuine story, a moment of real human connection.

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Wilson, H.J. and Daugherty, P.R. (2018). Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces. [online] Harvard Business Review. Available at:

Cook, G. (2013). Why We Are Wired to Connect. [online] Scientific American. Available at: