Author Archives for Kirsty Sharman

September influencer showcase

September 13, 2016 9:56 am Published by

youre not buying my opinion In this month’s influencer showcase we feature two successful parenting bloggers. We also asked them to share some of their own blogging tips. Here’s what they said:   Lori Pace est Lori Pace, the creator of A Day in Motherhood, is  a US-based parenting blogger. In between juggling parenting and her career, Lori shares her joys of motherhood and some of its challenges and how she deals with them on her blog. Have a look at some of Lori’s blogging tips. What’s the one tip you wish you had been given to you when you started blogging? To only worry about what you are trying to achieve. I started because it was cheaper than therapy. When I discovered  a year or so in that I could make an income from it, I stressed myself out comparing myself to other bloggers: “My post is better than hers, why did she get the attention? Why didn't I succeed instead of the person who seems to not care? Oh, she’s posting deals and freebies, I need to do that to grow, even though I don't use them myself.” I realised that the competition of blogging comes into play very quickly. But if you just focus on you and what your goals are, you can build an audience and reputation that stands the test of time.   Do you have an SEO tip you’d like to share with other bloggers?   Honestly, I am terrible at SEO. For years, I would read an article and immediately apply the one tip they had and expect miracles. SEO is an ongoing process and takes time but is essential for any blog that wants to grow. I have a company that manages my SEO for me now and they have taught me a lot. If you can do that in the beginning, spend the money and do it just until you get a hang of it. But if you can't, one of my best tips is to get a plugin, like Yoast, and at least complete the tasks it wants you to to do on every post to make your SEO more effective.   How often do you upload content? And how often should you be uploading content on your blog? I post almost every day and sometimes, five to six times a day. It depends on my schedule and what I have to get done. I suggest at least once a day, maybe taking a Friday off, when blog traffic is generally low. A steady schedule is important when building a blog and reputation. You want readers and brands to see you as consistent and reliable.   What advice would you give up-and-coming bloggers to get noticed by brands? The best advice I can give any blogger is to never miss a deadline, barring unforeseen circumstances, of course. If a review comes in and you promised the company feedback in a week, make sure it’s done in a week. If a client hires you for  a sponsored post, thank them, ask any questions up front as soon as you receive the instructions, and then make sure your post is on time. Companies talk, often using the same PR company, and bad news spreads like wildfire. Treat your blog like a brick and mortar business. Show up on time, keep it clean and well maintained, and meet your customers’ deadlines.   Jen Walshaw

mosmeditedJen is the writer of the award-winning blog The Mad House. If you love arts and craft, easy cooking or just need a new perspective on parenting, look no further. Here are some of Jen’s blogging tips.

  What’s the one tip you wish you had been given when you started blogging?   Use bigger pictures! Looking back I used tiny images on my blog and wish I had optimised them for the site using the largest to fit the page.   Do you have an SEO tip you’d like to share with other bloggers? Not to worry about it too much initially. Bloggers tend to write SEO-optimised content quite naturally. In fact, when I started blogging I had no idea what SEO was. I think that it’s okay to admit that you’re unsure how to do something. Use paragraphs and headings and consider using an SEO optimisation plugin. How often do you upload content? And how often should you be uploading content on your blog?   Currently, I post four or five days out of seven, some weeks I post seven times and other weeks just three. I think that it’s okay to upload content only when you have something to say. All in all I have posted nearly 2 000 posts in over seven years. You need to make sure you market your content, as well as produce it, but I spend the same amount of time sharing that content.   What advice would you give up-and-coming bloggers to get noticed by brands? Write great content that interests you. That way it’ll also appeal to readers. Brands love bloggers who engage with their readers and community. For me it was about producing creative content in my own way that got brands interested in working with me and my blog.   To stand a chance to be featured in our next influencer showcase. Tweet us your media kit. Here’s how you can create your own media kit.

3 brands moving tonnes of product using influencer marketing on Instagram

September 2, 2016 10:30 am Published by

Blog_Blog small copy You know those products that only live on the pages of really famous instagrammers? The ones you wish you could find in your local store and keep asking “Why don’t they stock them?” Truth is: they don’t need brick-and-mortar, because influencers are helping these brands ship millions of the products worldwide with every post they promote. Take a look at some of the most popular brands that are killing it with the power of influencer marketing on Instagram. Smile Sciences Smile Sciences specialises in those UV home teeth-whitening kits you’ve probably spotted in your Instagram feed. While more established teeth-whitening brands are using reality TV stars to promote their kits, Smile Sciences’ strategy is to partner with influential beauty bloggers, like: fashion and beauty blogger Doniya Malik. The kits sell for $299, if you’re tempted by their pearly whites.   influencer   beauty ss   Smile science   Boo Tea Boo Tea is just one of the many weight loss teas being sold on the internet. The brand offers everything from slimming and detox teas to shakes and tablets. It owes its success largely to its influencer strategy, and is being promoted by an army of fitness influencers on Instagram. Boo Tea products retail from $19,99 to $49,99 in case you were curious. Another reason it’s so popular: worldwide shipping.   Laura ammy   Boo Tea   conrad   Artis Brushes This makeup brush set has been featured by many a famous beauty blogger. Not only are the brushes starring in their Instagram posts, but you’ll also spot them in YouTube tutorials where vloggers use Artis brushes to contour and create flawless looks. It costs around $450 to get your hands on the entire set, which can be ordered off the Artis brush website and delivered anywhere in the world.   ARTIS   nicole   Which other brands have you spotted using influencers on Instagram to promote their products? Do you think a similar strategy would work for you? Sign up as a marketer on Webfluential today, and find influencers that are the perfect fit for your brand.  

Without your influencer tags you are almost invisible to brands

August 29, 2016 8:33 am Published by

blogs   Think of your influencer tags in your Webfluential profile as hashtags. When you upload an image on Instagram or send out a tweet you usually include hashtags that are relevant to that post. If you search for the hashtag #foodie, you’ll most likely come across posts and images of food. Your tags in your Webfluential profile work the same way and can assist you with booking jobs. Why are your tags so important? If you have not set up your tags marketers will not be able to discover your profile and you will not receive any job offers. Your tags are as important as setting your pricing and linking your channels. When marketers search for parenting bloggers, tags like “Children”, “Teens”, and “Family Holidays” will be featured on a parenting blogger’s profile. If you don’t have any tags, you are invisible. What is the difference between Channel Focus and Tags? While “Channel Focus” describes what your blog is about in general, tags elaborate on what you like to blog about. For example, a beauty blogger’s channel focus would be something like (Beauty), (Lifestyle) and (Fashion). The tags for beauty would be “makeup”, “hair”, “nails” and “skincare”. How to set your tags

  1. Login to your Webfluential account
  2. Click on “My Profile”
  3. Scroll down to “Audience Demographics”. If you have added your tags your profile should look something like this:
screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-10-58-15-am-01   If you haven’t set your tags, click on the grey “Edit demographics” button and add the relevant tags. Now it’s easy for marketers to find you based on your interests.   screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-10-58-15-am-02   Still struggling? Email [email protected] - we can help!