Author Archives for Kirsty Sharman

1 000 Marketers accessing 2 683 Influencers, reaching 185 countries across the world. An update on the Webfluential platform.

June 7, 2015 10:15 am Published by

We haven't given you a behind the scenes update on Webfluential in a while. Since we launched to trade in March 2014 we’ve been working hard to build a platform that services marketers in major cities like New York, London, Lagos, Johannesburg, Cape Town, Sydney, and Nairobi.

We're excited to announce that we officially have 1 000 marketers using our Influencer Marketing platform, giving them access to a combined audience bigger than most of the international news sites you read every day.

We've also introduced new metrics to our business to ensure our clients get the most value from their Influencer Marketing campaigns. The addition of paid media, retargeting and even detailed reports (you can view a case study here) have really helped take this business run by enthusiastic South Africans into global markets.

We’re building a platform we believe in, growing an incredible team, and together we’re changing an industry. A BIG thank you to the clients who believed in us, without you none of this would be possible.

These are our most recent stats...

Webfluential Audience Size      

Webfluential featured on CNBC Africa’s Tech Busters

November 24, 2014 7:28 am Published by

Webfluential founder, Mike Sharman, was invited into the CNBC Africa studios to talk about the our influencer marketing platform on Tech Busters. In the feature he explains to Aki Anastaciou exactly where Webfluential fits in to the buying patterns of the digital age and how we can help brands reach their consumers.

"Essentially, Webfluential is an online platform that connects brands with online influencers. Online influencers from Twitter, Facebook, blogs, YouTube, and Instagram—they're effectively the digital billboard of our generation. If you look at peer to peer influencers and the way in which we actually make purchases online, we as consumers look first to reviews and what people that we respect in the online space have to say about different products"

Watch the rest of the video below and signup as an influencer or a marketer today.

Influencer marketing is great for SEO and social conversation starters

September 16, 2014 11:03 am Published by

Two of the lesser known benefits of influencer marketing—the tactic to have credible digital personalities talk about your brand—are Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and social conversation fire-starters.

Search Engine Optimization is the process of optimizing a website as a means to obtain a high ranking organic placement in search results. Higher placements in search results usually yield more visitors to the website.

There are over 200 factors which are processed by Google to determine where a website appears on its results page following a search query. One of the more important factors is the number and quality of inbound links to the website.

During the month of June, Smirnoff launched their #ExploreTheNight marketing campaign to promote the latest addition to their product offering; Smirnoff Ice Double Black with Guarana. The campaign created awareness around the launch by asking people how they explore the night and encouraging them to add their experiences to the Explore The Night platform using the hashtag #ExploreTheNight.

Webfluential was tasked with enhancing the reach and creating online talkability around the Explore The Night Campaign — using the right influencers in order to get the message to the right audience.

Besides for the obvious short term benefit of talkability, our influencer marketing campaign yielded a long-term benefit which will add value to Explore The Night throughout its duration. The Google search results for the brand initiative illustrate the benefit of SEO – the top five links from the chosen influencers rank higher than the Smirnoff owned website.

  Smirnoff Google search  

The second benefit influencer marketing highlights is the ability to start the conversation tone and sentiment and influence the volume of discussion on social platforms. By investing into the right influencers addressing your target market, and providing great content to discuss, social amplification can leverage the distance that the conversation travels.

Recently, Webfluential was briefed to run an awareness campaign for Nando’s Mass Hysteria. The volume of social discussion is given in the graph below. Note the seeding of conversation by the right influencers, driving conversation from their audience.

  Nando's social volume  

In the digital age anyone can create a community and cultivate an audience that trusts the value of the content provided. Consumers choose their brand ambassadors and the communities they belong to. The platforms and digital insights available to marketers has changed the notion of influence such that brands don’t have to aggregate their own audiences anymore. Influencer marketing allows brands to leverage the audiences and communities of trusted influencers.

Sign up as a marketer here to run your own influencer search. Try out your first campaign.