Author Archives for Kirsty Sharman

Customize Your Webfluential Media Kit URL and improve your SEO

April 6, 2016 9:41 am Published by

This blog post was originally written by Ruan Fourie. Having a profile also gives you a free Webfluential Media Kit, and by putting it to good use you can land yourself more jobs as an influencer. Marketers and brands use Webfluential to search for influencers, but most marketers will also use Google to dig deeper and research influencers some more. Your Webfluential Media Kit provides marketers and brands with a central location to find all the info around you, but that's not all - it can also help improve your SEO. To make use of the SEO benefits we suggest you customize your Media Kit URL so that it includes your brand/name. This way your Webfluential Media Kit becomes one of the results that appear when someone enters your name (or brand) into a search engine like Google. Before Webfluential Media Kit URL customisation: Media Kit SEO - Webfluential After Webfluential Media Kit URL customisation:  Media Kit link SEO - Webfluential

How do I customise my Webfluential Media Kit URL?

Login to your Webfluential account, in the left hand navigation menu click “My Profile” and scroll down until you reach the “Your Domain” section of your profile. Click the “Edit” button and customise your URL. Media Kit URL customisation for SEO

Your Webfluential Media Kit is a great summary of your Influencer profile

Google spiders/crawlers are like little robots and the easier we make it for them to understand who we are and what we do, the easier it is for them to convey who we are and what we do to the rest of the word with search results. Your Webfluential Media Kit clearly shows your profile as an online influencer. It has all the infomation Google needs in one place and conveniently links to your social media profiles and your blog or website. Linking to your Webfluential Media Kit from your blog or website shows Google that the Media Kit has your stamp of approval and also helps brands easily find information about your influencer profile. And now that the Booked By Webfluential Booking Form can be included in your Media Kit, it's easy for brands to get a quote from you - in just a few clicks. If you aren't a Webfluential influencer already, and would like access to our Media Kit builder, then simply apply to become a Webfluential influencer by clicking the button below.   Global Influencer Marketing Platform    

Instagram Update – One algorithm to bind them all

April 5, 2016 9:56 am Published by

One algorithm-01 On 28 March 2016, Instagram continued with its plans to change its photo and video feed model to one which is algorithm-based rather than organic. This is not on the cards just yet – the plan is to introduce it over the next few months – but for a platform which supersedes the others in terms of engagement and interaction, this move is very interesting indeed. It is also one which is going to have a marked impact on brands, users and consumer behaviour. Like Facebook, this new structure will now see images slotted into streams based on user actions, not in reverse chronological order. For the A-List it probably means very little indeed. For the rest, well, there is a now almost dreaded ‘turn the notifications on’ post waiting for your eyes to land on it. It’s probably not a good idea to tap that Follow Me unless you’re desperately keen to keep up with your favourite Jones’, there are enough pings and dings in our lives as it is. However, as a brand, you’re probably wondering what this is going to mean for you and your audience. “The new Instagram algorithm is designed to focus on quality not quantity,” explains Kirsty Sharman, Head of Global Operations at Webfluential. “What it means is that brands are now required to focus on relevance to drive engagement, not just on volume. This is a powerful shift in how Instagram will play out for the brand and is the perfect opportunity to harness the right influencers in the Instagram market. There’s no need for the audience to tap the Follow Me button at all, they need only Like posts from their preferred Instagram personalities to see them recur in their feeds.” Ultimately, as put forward by Instagram themselves, the goal here is to show the moments which map back to user interest and engagement. The optimised order means that if people frequently interact with a specific person or series of posts, then those are the ones they will see first. It’s simple – if a brand wants to be featured as part of the new algorithm they need to create posts which get more likes and audience engagement, or they need to work with the influencers that do that already. It is the ideal time for brands to work together with influencers who understand the value of relationships and powerful content. Webfluential has found that Instagram is one of the fastest-growing platforms for our brands and influencers with significant reach and superb results. These are not come about as a result of volume, but as a result of focus, quality and targeted user engagement. Brands should start aligning to the influencers that reach the audience they're after - to get them to be a constant point of contact in the social feeds of their consumers. “The best content is about to rise to the top and it will be that which truly captivates the user. Cream always rises to the top,” says Murray Legg, Head Of Strategy at Webfluential. “To truly harness the capabilities of Instagram and the influencer, you need a platform which recognises the value of content and connects the right influencers to your brand - that is the Webfluential technology we’re seeing do great things for brands.” For now, however, mass panic can die down and hysterical ‘turn on notifications’ must stop. “This change is designed to make Instagram better for the end user, let’s use it as an opportunity to make us better marketers too,” says Kirsty Sharman.

Influencer Marketing: Why you should care!

March 23, 2016 7:26 am Published by

Sit up, take notice and get connected, because Influencer Marketing is here to stay

Influencer Marketing is one of the most powerful ways to share your brand’s message, by using people who your audience already trust: individuals with immense personal reach and reader engagement. They make your brand the talking point of their conversations. It’s engaging. It’s credible. And it’s real.

People trust people.

When Aunt Zelda recommends the bistro on 7th Avenue, you know it’s worth checking out. When your best friend raves about a book she read and loved, you know it’ll grab you too. This is the power of personal persuasion and it can be harnessed by savvy brands. Influencer marketing - why you should care Influencers can be incorporated into marketing strategies and play a pivotal role in how the brand is shaped and portrayed on social media. They can run an effective word-of-mouth campaign which starts conversations and, if done well, gets people talking about the brand across multiple platforms and markets.

So why use it?

Well, it’s not a growing trend just because it sounds nice. A McKinsey study found that word-of-mouth-inspired marketing delivers 37% greater customer retention rates and twice the sales when compared with paid advertising. Furthermore, RhythmOne data shows that the average earned media value (EMV) of Influencer Marketing programmes in the United States were 1.4 times higher in the first half of 2015 than in 2014 altogether. Add to this the fact that a Schlesinger Associates study found that 81% of marketers believe that influencer engagement is effective; that 92% of consumers say they trust earned media such as word-of-mouth and recommendations from friends and family, and you’re onto a winner. The flip side shows exactly why Influencer Marketing is growing in popularity at such a rapid rate. Brands are in desperate need of that next big breakthrough because consumers aren’t listening to the usual marketing channels anymore. The Content Marketing Institute’s 2015 B2B and B2C Content Marketing Trend report revealed some sobering facts towards the end of last year. It found that although 78% of brands increased the content they produced, engagement with the brand dropped by 60%. According to the report brand-generated content had the lowest engagement rates on social media. Improvements in ad-blocking technology, which consumers are readily adopting, are lowering brand reach as ads are stopped before they are even seen. So, it’s pretty obvious why Influencer Marketing is enjoying such a strong and loyal following, while yielding impressive results in value and return on investment. And it’s not just for the chosen few or the lucky guy who happened to launch a campaign at just the right time (although that always works). It’s ideal for any brand which is ready to engage with influencers using a clear brand strategy, an authentic voice and consistent messaging. A robust Influencer Marketing strategy will know when to amplify your content, build credibility around your brand, reach new audiences, create and share relevant content and influence the path to purchase. Now you just need to figure out which influencers are right for you and connect with them in the right ways.   Sign up as a marketer